Free online class: how to create the change you wanna see in the world?

Hi my dears,


I am inviting you to this free class as I feel called to support game-changers, visionaries and reformators to step up into and their purpose and materialize their ideas in a way that is aligned with their ideals.


Now more than ever we feel the obsolete character of the existing structures and systems of our society and are longing for ways to support more justice, equality, awareness, care and sustainability.


But there can be many reasons that hold us back from co-creating the new civilization with our full potential:


- Some people tell me for example that they first need to secure their own situation, to provide for their basic needs: income, housing, etc

- Others refrain from speaking up or taking action because of the fear of judgement, shaming, trolling.

- Then some people are convinced that they can't make a difference or losing hope that a change is possible.

- Most people feel hindered by flooding emotions and/or inappropriate behaviours they can't seem to get a grasp on

- what is holding YOU back?


What I wanna share with you in this class is that those are ALL things we can work with and transform, so that YOU can transform the course of the world. NOW.


If this resonates with you, I invite you to join us for this class where I will share with you tools you can already start to work with to transform the limitations you are experiencing.

We will start with a grounding meditation so that we can be fully present with ourselves and feeling each others despite being online.


Then we'll do a group sharing so that I can give personalized tools that are appropriate for your own specific issues.


In the end, I'll share the outline of my transformational program that is designed to take you from a place of uncertainty, scarcity, fear, shame and/or powerlessness to feeling safe, on purpose, brave and in integrity, alive and on fire so that you can manifest the change you want for the world.


You need to reserve a spot for this class to receive the link for the online-room. No need to download or register a program, but send me an e-mail to reserve in letting me know: in which area you want to create change and what is your biggest challenge in stepping forward.


I am excited to meet you!




Momoko Healing

@Holographic Healing Nest

Eisenbahnstr. 11

Hinterhaus Fabrikgebäude

Souterrain rechts

10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

 +49 (0)151 63407675


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